Welcome to ExuberantAbundance.com: the place to find inspiration for recognizing abundance in all areas of life, for appreciating this abundance and for growing it exuberantly and luxuriantly!
Actually the entire first paragraph was just a long way of conveying that the intention of this blog is just to remind me (and others who my be interested) to be grateful each day and to strive to live better in as many ways as manageable each day. Sometimes I like using a feast of words to paint a picture of the message.
This is my first post, I am so encouraged by your visit – thank you!
A new year can be an exciting time to reflect on past, present and future ambitions and to decide which ones are in alignment with your current self and world-view. This is exactly what I intend to do this year and beyond!
To mark this occasion, I have decided to start this blog in order to connect with like-minded individuals, to share my perspectives on different topics and as a reminder to myself (and others who may be interested) to always think exuberantly abundantly!
Topics I would like to focus on relate to exuberant abundance in the myriad areas of ordinary and specific daily living. I am especially interested in self-development; expanding wealth, prosperity and success; addressing topics related to mental health and physical well-being; and also in discovering a little more about a plethora of different topics.
For regular inspiration and content to stay motivated to this mission, I will also post to my Instagram page and to my YouTube channel.
I am quite curious and very interested to find out who this site will appeal to and if how we can help and encourage each other on this unpredictable journey called life. To discuss and explore, let’s keep in contact: feel free to leave a comment or send me a message.